I cannot believe I have not posted since March. When I had to put blogging on a back burner I never thought I would be away this long. I barely managed my every other week blog for LadyScribes.
A lot of things have happened that have been priority. Namely, my husband was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. That actually happened last fall but this spring was when decisions had to be made, etc. He had surgery a few weeks ago and is recovering well.
My mother no longer drives and her health has not been the best. So, I visit there and take her grocery shopping, to have her hair done etc. Oh, and she fell and broke her wrist this summer, but it has mended well.
What else? Oh yes, my son got his driver's license. Oddly, I find I am praying for him a lot more. :).
My daughter also moved from Illinois to Oregon to finish school. I miss her terribly, but I did have a chance to visit and love it out there. I can't wait to go back.
So, that was my summer. How was yours? I hope to catch up on all the blogs I've missed because I do miss reading them all.